
Monday, September 10, 2012

BBAW Day 1: Appreciate!

Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week!  Each day this week, participating bloggers will have a different topic to discuss.  Today's topic is appreciation: highlighting other book blogs that you love to read.

I have SO many that I could pick (seriously, sometimes my Google Reader gets more of a workout than my books do), but I decided to just mention three new-to-the-scene blogs that I've started following, because as a new book blogger, I love giving props to fellow newbies!

First up, Rinn Reads.  She's a UK book blogger who just started up last month, and already has like triple the GFC followers that I do.  IMPRESSIVE, girlfriend!  She's jumped right into blogging with some great reviews and memes.  I think Rinn is going to be around for a long time!

Also have to mention Nouveau Novels, run by two lovely bloggers (Meg and Liz) and also just started last month.  (Should we start an August 2012 debut club?)  They already have some good books posted, and their review system makes me giggle (each book gets its own...their latest earned 5 Spirit Bears!).

Final new blog mention goes to The Readdicts, two best friends from India who are "truly, madly, deeply in love with books" and it shows!  I like that they are including reviews from Indian authors that I might not have heard of otherwise.  Welcome, ladies!

So, tell me--what book blogs are you appreciating these days?


  1. Again, thank you SO MUCH for this! <3 I really appreciate it!
    Making sure I follow the other two blogs as well.

  2. Thank you SO much again for such a warm welcome. :)
    I'm so happy to hear that you're liking our blog. Same goes out to you!
    Cheers and happy reading! :)
    Absolutely looking forward to getting to know you.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  3. Thanks for introducing me to The Readdicts! I'm a new follower, it looks like we'll have a lot of books in common!

  4. Great idea to highlight new book bloggers!

    Joy's Book Blog

  5. Love your suggestions! I haven't picked up any new book blogs in my Reader in quite some time, so it's nice to see fresh faces (including yours!).

  6. alright, another redheaded blogger! :) I'm off to check out your favorites, I'm always looking for new and interesting blogs to read.

  7. Hi Kelly!
    Just to let you know I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blogger Award! My post can be found here: =)
