
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Feature and Follow (2)

Hi all!  I had a lot of fun meeting some new people during last week's Feature and Follow, so I figured I'd do it again this week.  F+F is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read--stop by either of their blogs to check it out!

This week's question: What are you reading right now?  How do you like it?

Right now, I'm reading Jane Green's The Beach House (book cover photo in sidebar).  So far, I love it!  I enjoy women's fiction that feels "smart"...books that go beyond shopping and dreamy boys and impossibly silly situations, and that deal with real-life relationship issues.  This book does that.  I'm about 50% done, so I should have a full review for you next week...but so far, it looks like it will be a good one!

I also just started a new audiobook--The Mermaid Chair, by Sue Monk Kidd.  I am still only on the first disc, so no big review yet, but I will say I enjoy the narrator quite a bit.

What are you reading this weekend?


  1. I read The Mermaid Chair a while back. I wish I could remember more about it. All I really remember is that I liked The Secret Life of Bees better ;)

    I've seen The Beach House floating around the blogosphere lately, I'll look forward to your review.

    New follower here and on Twitter
    The Relentless Reader

  2. Glad you like it
    New Follower
    Check out MY FF

  3. I read that book last year and fell in love with it. Awesome read.

    New follower
    My FF

  4. Hope you enjoy reading your book!

    New follower :)
    here's our Follow Friday

  5. Glad you are enjoying your book!

    New follower via GFC
    My FF

  6. Nice to hear you like your book.

  7. I read The Secret Life of Bees and The Mermaid Chair is on my TBR list (and it is sitting on my bookshelf)- I look forward to reading your thought on it. The Beach House sounds like a great book!

  8. I've wanted to check out Jane Green's books for a long time; I'll definitely keep this one in mind.

    Thanks for stopping by and following! Following you back via GFC.

  9. Pretty cover! :)

    *New GFC follower*

    I'd love for you to check out my FF @ Between the Bind.

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. Followed you back. :)

  11. I keep seeing Jane Green's books in the local charity shop, maybe I should try her out.
    I’m a new follower through FF, my blog is here: =)

  12. It's nice to read things that aren't always silliness, I agree... although I usually foray into Adult Fiction or Fantasy... it can be so gritty!

    New follower here!
