
Friday, September 28, 2012

My Bloggiesta To-Dos!

Today is September 28, which means it's the start of Bloggiesta 2012!  OLE!

Bloggiesta is an opportunity for book bloggers to find motivation for those blogging tasks they need to work on--whether it's post creation, layout changes, networking activities, or whatever.  Plus, it's a great way to meet other bloggers!  It is kindly hosted by There's A Book and It's All About Books.

I'm a first-time Bloggiesta participant, and while I don't have a TON of time to devote to it this weekend, I do want to put in some time here and there to spruce things up at The Well-Read Redhead. Here's my to-do list:

1. New layout.  New, new, new.  As you can see, I cheated and started on this yesterday while I had a few extra minutes.  My old one was a generic Blogger layout, and while this one isn't my ideal, it's a start...certainly more interesting than the original!

2. Create a master list of reviews and get a link to it in my header.

3. Create an organization system for the upcoming books I need to read.  Now that I'm getting ARCs and blog tour participation, I need to keep better track of what books have a deadline, and what ones I'm reading for fun.

4. Organize my Google Reader.  I love reading all of your blogs, but my reader's gotten out of control with all the new ones I keep finding!

Those are my tasks.  I'm hoping to participate in a couple of mini challenges as well.  Happy Bloggiesta!!


  1. If you find a good way of organising your Google Reader I will copy it for sure! I have no idea how to get around that one.

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure how I'm going to do might be my hardest task!!

  3. Hope you enjoy your first Bloggiesta! I really need to work on my Google Reader too. Thinking about new categories, as I follow way too many blogs to keep them all straight. Enjoy the weekend!

    Alexia's Books and Such...

  4. This is my first bloggiesta, too. Good luck with everything! You have some really good goals here. I wish I could make mine (my blog) look as nice as professional authors, but that takes a little money.

  5. I LOVE your header... as I am looking to spiff mine up a bit as a bloggiesta goal I am noticing these things!

  6. Good luck with your goals...I love this event - I always feel so productive and energized about blogging afterwards!

    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  7. Your layout is pretty! I like it :) The header is so cute. Cleaning up the GFC followed blogs is something I still need to do. It take so much time :p Good luck!

    My bloggiesta.

  8. I think your blog looks nice right now! Good luck with your tasks, especially the organizing :)

  9. I'm fussing with my layout too. I have the basic idea down now, but I'll be tweaking it for awhile, I think. Otherwise, like you, much of my list is about organization. Hopefully getting more organized will help me feel less frantic in my head. Good luck!


  10. I love the changes to your layout, especially the bubble gum (my 10 year old has just learned to blow bubbles, so it's especially funny to me now!) I'm in the middle of organizing Google Reader too- so many blogs, so much to keep up with. If anyone has suggestions for a plan, I'd love to hear them! Thanks for taking my Word Nerd Quiz- without giving too much away, you did a great job! :) Good luck with sprucing this weekend!

  11. Thank you all for the comments! (See, one of my problems with this new layout is that it doesn't let me individually reply to each comment...gotta find a solution there.) I'm glad I'm not the only one with Google Reader disorganization. :)

  12. Your header is so cute! :) Good luck with the rest of your goals!

  13. I did visit before, but have forgotten what old layout looked like. I like your new look, though! My Google Reader is almost all book blogs, but they're not even sorted into alphabetical order (which, as a librarian, I am really bothered by!) I had catch up on Google Reader on my last Bloggiesta to-do list, but knew I wouldn't have time for it this weekend. I did see someone else commented somewhere that they organized their GR blogs into folders, with a Favorites folder that hold the ones they really wanted to read daily, which sounded like a good idea.

  14. If this is your new layout, I love it. If it's not, why are you changing, lol?

    I love your goals! I hope you've been able to get a lot done! Thanks for participating in my mini-challenge!

  15. We have similar tasks! I didn't plan on changing my layout, but still ended up with a new look. I was battling Google Reader all day long yesterday. Good luck with your goals!

  16. Thanks to everyone for the header comments! Based on the reviews, I'm feeling more sold on it. :)
