Monday, July 1, 2013

It's Monday, so tell me what you're reading!

Hope you all had a great weekend!  What's everybody reading today?

Reading time has been cut short around here lately, but for good reason.  Our house sold last week!  The inspection is tomorrow and we are crossing our fingers for no more flooding before then (2-3 inches of rain expected today, OMG).  Also, we found an awesome house in Rochester this weekend and I am staring psychotically at my phone, waiting to hear if our offer was accepted.  I forgot how AMAZING home buying/selling is (or not).

Despite all that, of course I'm doing some reading anyway!  (Usually for 5 minutes before my eyes close at 9pm, but still.)

My current read:

Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver

Dellarobia Turnbow is a restless farm wife who gave up her own plans when she accidentally became pregnant at seventeen. Now, after a decade of domestic disharmony on a failing farm, she has settled for permanent disappointment but seeks momentary escape through an obsessive flirtation with a younger man. As she hikes up a mountain road behind her house to a secret tryst, she encounters a shocking sight: a silent, forested valley filled with what looks like a lake of fire. She can only understand it as a cautionary miracle, but it sparks a raft of other explanations from scientists, religious leaders, and the media. The bewildering emergency draws rural farmers into unexpected acquaintance with urbane journalists, opportunists, sightseers, and a striking biologist with his own stake in the outcome. As the community lines up to judge the woman and her miracle, Dellarobia confronts her family, her church, her town, and a larger world, in a flight toward truth that could undo all she has ever believed.(from Goodreads)

I'll have my review of this up for you tomorrow, as part of a TLC tour.  I'm nearly done, and this has been an interesting read so far.  Very complex interplay between the lives of the characters and the greater social/scientific issues that Kingsolver tackles.  Lots to discuss in my review tomorrow!

What will I be reading next?

Probably July 7th by Jill McCorkle.  Small Fry's birthday is July 7th (this Sunday!) and my husband bought me a copy of this for Christmas.  Only fitting to read it in time for the big day.  :)  Stay tuned because there will also be a giveaway involved!

After that, I have lots of good books on the horizon, including The Never List by Koethi Zan, The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison, and The Longings of Wayward Girls by Karen Brown.

What are you reading this week, friends?


  1. Goodness gracious! As if you haven't got enough going on, you're selling your house too? And you're managing to read in spite of the chaos?! Hats off to you, my dear. Impressive.

    1. Yes, I know, I've already reserved a spot in the loony bin for when all this insanity is over...

  2. Congrats on the sell and crossing fingers for the offer. We bought last year with a 2 year rental in place, I am on countdown, 9 months left, so we are in buying all new furniture phase.

    Enjoy the reading you do have time for.

    1. Ah yes, good luck with your countdown! Real estate is so much fun, eh?

  3. I haven't read Flight Behavior, but it is definitely on my radar. As for July 7th...I read another book by this author and had mixed feelings. But I'm curious....

    Enjoy your week! Here's MY MONDAY READING POST

    1. I've never read any McCorkle, and honestly am only picking this up because the title (for personal reasons obviously) is enticing. But I hope I like it!

  4. Sending all sorts of dry thoughts to your neck of the woods!

    I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the Kingsolver. I enjoyed the relationships in that one quite a bit.

    Happy week!

    1. Thank you! So far the dry thoughts seem to be working...getting a little less than predicted today. SO FAR...

      Did you review Kingsolver on your blog? I purposely avoid reviews of books that I know I'm going to read soon, so I probably skipped it. Can't wait to hear yours soon though!

  5. Such a busy week! I understand the angst of home buying/selling, been there done that several times in my life so far. I have heard good things about Flight Behavior. I know from my one book of hers I read that she can write a complex, involved story to meander through. Hope you have good news soon, enjoy reading when you can!

    1. Yes, I really loved The Poisonwood Bible, so picking up this one was a no-brainer for me.

  6. Congrats on the house selling, and I hope your offer is accepted and you don't have to stare at your phone much longer.

    On a reading note, I won a copy of Flight Behavior, and I can't wait to read it!

    1. Thanks Andi, I hope so too! Haha. And, I can't wait to hear what you think of Flight Behavior when you get around to it.

  7. Home buying sounds stressful but fun!! Hope your offer is accepted!

    1. It's fun after all the paperwork is signed ;-) Accepted Monday night, hooray!!!

  8. I enjoyed Flight Behavior! Right now I'm reading a literary magazine (which really is just a bunch of short stories and a few poems) and The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

    -Rebecca @ Love at First Book

    1. Thanks for sharing Rebecca! I'll check that one out.

  9. Congrats on selling your home! Hopefully everything else works out the way you want it to. I haven't read anything by Barbara Kingsolver yet, but Flight Behavior really sounds intriguing. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

    1. Thank you! BK's books are very good, I highly recommend The Poisonwood Bible if you're just starting out with her.

  10. How fun that your husband got that book for you! I hope you enjoy it. Happy birthday to your little one and to you, since you did all the hard work! :)

    1. Thanks!! That's true, I just let him take all the kudos on the big day. Haha.

  11. I should really jump on the Barbara Kingsolver bandwagon, I've heard good things. The Poisonwood Bible is on my TBR, so I should familiarise myself with her work soon :)

  12. I will be checking out your review of Flight Behavior. I have it but have not read it yet.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading


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