
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rochester Teen Book Festival: PREPARATION STAGE!

Hello, my lovelies!  I know, still pretty MIA over here.  Tater Tot is starting to be less Sleepy Baby and more Awake Baby, and Small Fry is still Insane Toddler, so I've been rather busy.  Still reading the same two books...convinced I will turn 90 before I finish The Goldfinch...but we're getting there.

In the meantime, I'm putting my Christmas money to good use.  Thanks to Katie at Doing Dewey, I found out about the Rochester Teen Book Festival, taking place this year on May 17.  I looked into it, and I am SO EXCITED that this event is basically going on in my backyard.  They have a really awesome lineup of authors coming this year, and I can't wait to go!

But what is a book festival without books to be signed??

Therefore, please lay eyes on my book haul in prep for Rochester TBF:
(I know I could buy them at the festival and some of the proceeds would go back to the event, but...sorry, I had Amazon gift cards, and I'm cheap.  GOT MOUTHS TO FEED, Y'ALL.)

I have heard of all of these books/authors but, astoundingly, never read any of them!  (Actually, I did read The Last Summer of You and Me by Ann Brashares a while back, but I gave away my copy, so I decided to buy Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants instead.)  My goal before May 17 is to read them all, and then get them signed.  WOO!!

How about you, readers?  Attending any great book festivals this year?  (Don't even tell me if you're going to BEA, cuz I'm totes jealous.)  And if you're going to TBF, let me know!!


  1. How exciting! And thanks for the mention :) I'm going to buy my books there since I'm sadly lacking in Amazon gift cards at the moment, but I'm definitely going to be reading some books in advance so I can get more familiar with the authors who will be there. We should meet up while there! I know I want to see Ann Brashares too, so if nothing else, we can probably sit in what I'm guessing is going to be one of the longer lines together :)

    1. Sounds great!! You are definitely a better fair-goer than I, buying your books at the venue. haha.

  2. I'm going to the American Library Association's midwinter meeting in Philly this weekend! Actually, Katie is meeting me there, along with Rebecca from Love at Frist Book. I'm running out to the store tomorrow to pick up the three books I still need for signings!

    I see you have Laurie Halse Anderson in the stack. A couple years ago she was at our local college for a book festival that high schoolers attend. My daughter couldn't find a seat to eat lunch and a lady called her over to sit with her and a couple other women. Turns out it was Laurie Halse Anderson!

    1. I hope you guys had a great time at ALA! I yearn for the day when I can go to more events like that. Very cool story about Anderson too. I loved Speak, am looking forward to reading more of her stuff.

  3. Awesome! This sounds like so much fun, you go and have an amazing time! :)

  4. There's a book festival in Iowa City that I've been vaguely curious about since I moved here (well, I moved to Iowa, the city's still a couple hours from here). And it's much more accessible to me than something like BEA. We'll see, maybe I'll get up the initiative to check it out this year.

    1. I hope you get to go! I found with the Rochester Children's Book Festival that I was pleasantly surprised by a "small town" book fair. They still get great authors but with a fraction of the crowds to fight.

  5. Oooh fun! I hope you have a great time, Kelly! I'm up here in the woods of Wisconsin where there are rarely book events ;) Go have a blast!

    1. BOO to Wisconsin then! :) You are welcome in lovely upstate NY anytime you want to travel. haha.

  6. This sounds incredibly fun! Signings are always super fun IMHO. Ask the Passengers is a great book and I've heard great things about Laurie Halse Anderson's books. I haven't been to a signing/book event in a while so your post has made me want to look for some to go to. :)

    1. I had never been to ANY signings until I started this blog, then I realized what I had been missing. I thought a lot of these events only happened in big cities, but it's amazing what you can find locally at times.

  7. This festival sounds amazing. I so wish I could go, I've never been to a bookish event because they're always so far away from me. I hope you reach your goal of reading all of these books, and then have a blast at the festival getting them signed! Thanks for sharing.

    Best xoxo,

    1. I hope you can attend something one day, even if it's just a single-author event! I've been surprised by the number of smaller events I've found at bookstores, colleges, etc when I started looking for them.

  8. This sounds awesome! If I didn't work on Saturdays, I would totally join you guys. Rochester is only about 1 - 1.5 hours from me!

    1. Oooh I didn't know that! I wonder how many other book bloggers are in this general area. I'd love to coordinate a get together sometime.
