
Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014 wrap-up

Pretty short recap this month!  Busy with these two crazy faces:
Sorry I look drunk here.  My drunk face and my tired face are very similar.  I don't condone drinking while parenting.  Except maybe in extreme cases...?
I'd say those are two very nice reasons for being MIA, wouldn't you?  :)  It also doesn't help that I decided to jump into 2014 with a nice 800-page chunkster (review coming this week!), so I'm hoping for more frequent review posts here soon.

I only read 2 books in January!
The Stork Reality by Malena Lott, and
What I Had Before I Had You by Sarah Cornwell.

I don't think it's fair to do a best/worst book of the month when I've only read two, but...I really loved one of them, and thought the other one was just meh, so you figure it out.

On the horizon for February: my first review from my TBR Book Baggie, some bookish love, and a fun giveaway.  Also, maybe temperatures above -10 so I can start going for outdoor runs?  Whatchoo think, Mother Nature?

Stay warm, mah babies!


  1. Aww, adorable photo! =) And yes, you certainly do have a valid excuse for being MIA ;)

    I went out for a run/actually more like a walk today, and as SOON as I stepped outside it started raining. Admittedly it's been raining here for the entire month, but there were blue skies this morning until I went outside! I hope you get some better luck.

    1. Blue skies? What do those look like? :) Hope your weather gets better too!

  2. Yay Tater Tot! He looks so big already! (Whoops, looking at the wrong kid... j/k...)

    And yeah, I'm ready for this extreme winter to be over. I try not to complain about the cold because I complain about the heat as soon as it hits about 80 degrees... but sub-zero for days on end is where I draw the line!

    1. I try not to complain about the cold either, because living in upstate NY it's kind of inevitable, but this winter? OY.

  3. Cute photo! :) Totally ready for the cold winter to be over because as much as I enjoy the snow, I do not enjoy being perpetually in it and feeling the bitter winter winds. I'm drawing the line at snowy, wind-chill and sub-zero temps. Why did the groundhog decide to have 6 more weeks of winter? WHY.

    1. I usually don't mind winter/snow in December, when it's new and cute and winter-wonderland-ish. Then January hits and I'm like, DONE.

  4. Wow, go you on that chunkster!! Can't wait for the review. :)

    1. Haha thanks! I don't know why I do that to myself with a newborn though!! I started reading Middlemarch when Small Fry was 2 weeks old. Worst decision ever. Luckily this one went better.

  5. Hello WRRH family! Very cute photo :) I'm very impressed you're finding the time to read a new baby!

    1. Thanks! I definitely have to make a more conscious effort, but I'd go crazy some days without my books. :)

  6. 'Only' with an 800 page chunkster - not only at all, two books including that is very good. And even more so when you've your baby and son!

  7. Drunk parenting is really the only way to go...if you want to stay sane ;) I'd like to just smush their little cute faces, by the way. Adorbs!

    Here's to February. I sure hope it warms up!

    1. Yes, there are definitely days where I have to restrain myself from "day drinking" before my husband gets home...hahaha.
