Friday, May 9, 2014

It's Teaser Time! The 3-Day Reset by Pooja Mottl

I know what you're thinking.  "Uh, Kelly's doing a teaser tour?  She never does those." (True.)  "And for a cookbook?  Has she ever even reviewed a cookbook?"  (Only one.)  "Does she even know how to cook?" (Ummm...kind of?)

Yes, I've shaken things up a little here, doing a teaser (which I don't normally do) for a cookbook-ish book (thought it's not really).  But The 3-Day Reset has a pretty awesome premise, so a little shaking-up is called for!

Why did I pick this book for review?  Top reason: I know FO' SHO' that I have a chocolate addiction.  No use denying it!  If I go without chocolate for a day, I get insane cravings.  I always have chocolate in the house for that reason.  (Luckily I also have really good self-control with portions, otherwise I'd be in disaster status over here.)

Here's the thing: Pooja Mottl claims she can cure me of that.  IN THREE DAYS.  Say whaaaaat!

Here's the full description:
Eating healthy can be a struggle. It’s hard to choose broccoli and brown rice instead of hot, cheesy pizza. And diets often ask you to cut out different foods all at once, leaving you feeling deprived.
In The 3-Day Reset, Pooja Mottl outlines 10 simple ways you can change your cravings and start eating whole, healthy, delicious foods—three days at a time. Each reset takes only 72 hours to complete, which means you’ll be able to stay focused on healthy eating from start to finish.
Resets include: sugar, wheat, salt, chocolate, yogurt, chicken, beverages, breakfast, salad, and takeout.
Accessible, fun, engaging, and packed with over 30 delicious recipes, pantry makeover lists, shopping guides, tidbits on food history, and other smart tools, The 3-Day Reset will set you on the course to healthy eating… and help you stay there for good.
So I read that, and I was like, HOLD THE PHONE, she can get me to eat something other than giant bowls of cold cereal for breakfast too?  This I must see.

Mottl's book is all about helping us harness "the power of WAMP" = Whole And Minimally Processed food.  And a big part of that is pinpointing what exactly these processed foods are...and how their ingredients hide within foods that we might otherwise think are healthy.  Here's an excerpt from the Sugar Reset chapter, to give you an idea:

1)  Beware of the various names that “ADDED SUGARS” masquerade under on ingredient lists. Here are some that commonly pop-up on a broad range of packaged, bottled, and boxed foods and beverages:

·         Corn-syrup solids
·         Dextrose
·         Fructose
·         Crystalline fructose
·         Glucose
·         Sucrose
·         Evaporated cane juice
·         Fruit juice concentrates
·         Demerara

2)  Don’t forget that added sugars aren’t just in sweet foods and drinks, they can also be found in a broad range of savory foods such as cured meats, almond milk, ketchup, tomato sauce, and chicken broth. Attached is an infographic to help guide you when you’re grocery shopping!

3) Try to eat whole, unrefined sources of sweetness, in moderation, about 80% of the time. The best sources for healthy sweetness are:

·         Whole, ripe, fresh fruits
·         Dried fruits and vegetables such as dates, pineapple, and tomatoes
·         Raw, unpasteurized honey
·         100% maple syrup
    Whole dried cane sugar or coconut palm sugar granulated crystals

So here's the dealio.  This month, I'm going to read the book and try a few of these resets.  At the end of June, I'll be back here with a full review (and hopefully less chocolate in my house).  In the meantime, you can find out more at these links:
Book Trailer
And yes, we have a GIVEAWAY!  One SIGNED copy of The 3-Day Reset for a lucky winner (US or Canada only please).  Just enter using the Rafflecopter below!  Contest ends May 16.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hmm, sounds interesting, though I must admit I'm skeptical. Choosing the right foods has as much (or more) to do with the willpower to make those choices than with getting the body used to those foods. Does this book somehow give me the willpower I seem to lack?

    Good luck! I'll be very curious to see how it works for you!

    1. I am curious to see how it works too! Honestly I am excited about it, but also a tad skeptical--I've been eating cold cereal for breakfast since like, age 8, so I will be super impressed if I can "fix" that in 3 days! But it's worth a shot!

  2. 3 days and loss cravings??!! Totally am in...chips and salsa are my jam!

    1. Agreed! I eat pretty healthy for the most part, but if I could switch a few things around, I'm sure my body would be happier.

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