
Thursday, June 5, 2014

May 2014 in Review

Howdy, reader friends!  And welcome to June.  I can feel summer in the air!  And because I am the parent of a toddler, that only reminds me of one thing!
Because Frozen rules my life.
But, in addition to listening to Small Fry use his "deep voice" to sing In Summer to me 10 times a day, I am also looking forward to some reading in the sunshine.  Ahhhhh.

Let's recap May!

In May I read/reviewed 5 books:
One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern
Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro
Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
Glass by Ellen Hopkins
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

I also gave you a teaser for my upcoming review of Pooja Mottl's The 3-Day Reset, and I managed my one non-review post of the month when I recapped my fabulous day at the Rochester Teen Book Festival.

Making time to write that one non-review post for the month was tough, but fun to do.  It's nice to get out of the review cycle sometimes.  I wanted to do the 6 Degrees of Separation meme that several people suggested to me, but didn't have time.  Maybe for June?  Does anyone know the book this month?

One other book-related change of note: I am on a temporary hiatus from all ARC reviews, including those with TLC Book Tours.  As much as I love TLC, I am reading at a really slow pace (for me) these days, and it's making it hard to get my reviews posted on time.  I want to at least take the next few months off from ARCs, so that I can use the summer to just read books from my own TBR.  You know, the thing I said I was going to do at the beginning of the year??  Yeah, I want to actually do that.  And now that my half marathon training is starting soon (June 30th!  ACK), I want my bloggy stuff to be really low-pressure for a while.

So let's go enjoy summer!!

Got any great warm-weather plans coming up, my friends??


  1. I have been on an inadvertent break from ARCs because my ereader stopped working. I'm in the process of getting it replaced (hopefully).

    1. The inadvertent break is kind of nice though, isn't it? :)

    2. It is kind of nice... although I feel a little guilty that I could be reading them if I really wanted to (but only on my computer, so... no).

  2. I think the book for June Six Degrees is The Luminaries. I haven't read it, so I'm not playing along. That said, I used to get "Summertime" by Sublime stuck in my head every time Summer was mentioned... Now it's Josh Gad belting "In Summer." I have no children, but listening to Disney music at work keeps me pleasant.

    1. Ah yes, I haven't read that one either. Guess I will need to wait for next month! And I'm glad you can relate to the In Summer craze

  3. Ohhhh I feel ya on the Frozen thing! C's is "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?" which she will use for anything she wants to do... "do you wanna go to the playground?" "do you wanna go out to eat?" etc.

    Going to read your review of Cutting Teeth right now. I just finished writing mine.

    1. Small Fry is funny because I will sing to him, "Do you want to build a snowmaaan?" and he looks out the window and says, "MOMMY, THERE'S NO SNOW!!!" hahaha.

  4. I'm impressed with your self imposed no arc time. I often feel like I need to do the same, but I'm also so eager to read the next great book. Crazy I know. My summer is mostly quiet. I'm flying to Dallas this month to spend a few days with my mom. In August I'm going to Asheville NC for Booktopia, a long time dream.
    Hope you share your half marathon training...good luck!!

    1. I felt that way too re: ARCs. But my reading time has been cut down so much, it made me reprioritize a lot! It's hard to always be reading ARCs and none of the backlist on my shelves.

      Enjoy Dallas and NC, sound like fun trips!!

  5. I liked the 6 Degrees of Separation posts I read last month but haven't thought about writing my own post. Could be fun!

    Joy's Book Blog

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