
Monday, November 24, 2014

Nonfiction TBR Time! #NonFicNov

Ah yes, here we are in the final week of Nonfiction November.  I must say, I have very much enjoyed this event!  It has rekindled my interest in nonfiction, and reminded me of the many, many nonfiction titles that are awaiting me on my shelves.  Definitely looking forward to participating again next year.

Current nonfiction reading status: I finished Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed last week (review coming soon!), and am currently reading The Race Underground by Doug Most.  I likely won't finish it before the end of the month, because it's quite long, but that will be my first nonfic post for December.

Anyway, let's talk about this week's topic!:
New to My TBR: It’s been a week full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!

Well, I didn't look at this week's topic until...right now, so I didn't keep very careful track of where I saw all these awesome nonfiction titles this month!  But I will do my best to give credit where credit is due.  Honestly, I don't have a ton of time to peruse other blogs these days anyway, so I will just highlight for you some of top nonfiction titles that are currently on my TBR list:

1. Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink
I first remember this book being mentioned long ago by Jennifer at The Relentless Reader.  Her review piqued my interest, and I've had this one on my radar ever since.  Tells the story of 5 days in a New Orleans hospital after Katrina.

2. Stiff by Mary Roach
This has been on my TBR almost as long as I've had a Goodreads account (a very long time).  The curious lives of human cadavers, eh?  Color me curious!

3. Wild by Cheryl Strayed
This book has been recommended about a billion times by...everyone, but after getting to know Strayed a bit in Tiny Beautiful Things, I really want to pick this one up soon and hear more of her story.

4. The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee
This one was recommended to me via Twitter by @MsRedPen (of Ms Red Pen's blog).  Goodreads says it "reads like a literary thriller with cancer as the protagonist."  Hmmmm.

5. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
Another one that's been on my TBR since time immemorial.  I really enjoyed Larson's In The Garden of Beasts, so I am eager to check this one out as well.

I could sit here and write this list forever, so I'll just leave you with the first five that came to mind.

What's on your nonfiction TBRs these days?


  1. Stiff and Wild are so good! I want to read Devil in the White City as well.

    1. Have you read any of Larson's other work yet? He has such a great way of telling nonfiction in a fiction-y way.

  2. You've got some juicy reading there. I could also keep adding books forever but I managed to make a list of ten. Tiny Beautiful Things is one, after I saw so many raves.

    1. I will check out your list as well. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on Tiny Beautiful Things if you read it. My review is going up later this week, and while I did enjoy it, I wasn't quite as rave-y as many other reviewers, it seems.

  3. I've added Stiff to my wish list as well. It's been so much fun to read about all of the great non-fiction that is out there!

    1. I agree! Nonfic seems to get short shrift on a lot of blogs, except for this time of year, so it's nice to see all the recommendations coming out.

  4. I love Larson's writing, but still need to read this one!

    1. Which of his books have you read so far? What did you like about them?

  5. Erik Larson has a new book coming out in March about the sinking of the Lusitania--it's called Dead Wake. I'm really looking forward to that one!

    1. Oooh thanks for the heads up! I will definitely check that out.

  6. What a great list! I loved The Emperor of All Maladies and Five Days At Memorial and the rest of these are on my to-read list too :)

    1. I have both of those books out of the library right now! I wish Nonfiction November was always. Haha.

  7. Stiff is so fantastic. It was the first book of Mary Roach's that I read, and I've since gone on to read every single other one she's written. But it's definitely held up as the best one. The humour and science mix is simply grand.

    1. I've heard so many people say that Stiff inspired them to read all of Mary Roach's backlist. That's high praise for sure!!
