Monday, April 27, 2015

It's Monday, and I promise I'm reading!

Hello, reader friends!  I know, I know...not a lot of bookish goodness around here lately!  As the mileage has increased for my half marathon training, reading/blogging time has gotten tight.  But I promise that I AM reading!  And I have so many good books on the horizon.  I figured it was high time to update you on my literary life.

As always, I was super jealous of everyone participating in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon this past weekend...I hoped to be able to do it this time around, but then my race happened and I knew I wouldn't be able to swing it.  Maybe in the fall?  FINALLY?!?

I recently finished...

Inside the O'Briens by Lisa Genova

This book was excellent!  It follows the lives of a family when they find out that their patriarch (Joe O'Brien) has Huntington's disease.  HD is autosomal dominant, which means that if one parent has it, each child has a 50% chance of getting it as well.  The O'Briens struggle to come to terms with both Joe's diagnosis, as well as what this means for each of their individual futures.  I have enjoyed two of Genova's previous novels, and this one did not disappoint either.  Reviewing soon!

I am currently reading...

Finding Jake by Bryan Reardon

I just started it, so not much to say yet, but here's a plot summary from Goodreads for you:

While his successful wife goes off to her law office each day, Simon Connolly takes care of their kids, Jake and Laney. Now that they are in high school, the angst-ridden father should feel more relaxed, but he doesn't. He’s seen the statistics, read the headlines. And now, his darkest fear is coming true. There has been a shooting at school. 

Simon races to the rendezvous point, where he’s forced to wait. Do they know who did it? How many victims were there? Why did this happen? One by one, parents are led out of the room to reunite with their children. Their numbers dwindle, until Simon is alone.
As his worst nightmare unfolds, and Jake is the only child missing, Simon begins to obsess over the past, searching for answers, for hope, for the memory of the boy he raised, for mistakes he must have made, for the reason everything came to this. Where is Jake? What happened in those final moments? Is it possible he doesn’t really know his son? Or he knows him better than he thought?

My review is coming next week for TLC Book Tours!

I will soon be reading...

Grain of Truth by Stephen Yafa
I was recently offered a copy of this for review, and I could not resist the idea of some solid food science nonfic right now!

Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman
Picked up from the library this week because I totes cannot turn down Gaiman short stories.

Lots of books to keep me busy around here!  Hope you all are having as much luck with your reading choices lately as I am.

What are you reading this week?


  1. I was having Readathon FOMO too and really want to try to make it work for the fall! I've heard great things about Inside the O'Brien's.

    1. I say that I'm going to try to do it every single time, and it never works out. It is a beautiful dream in my head though.

  2. I've heard so many great things about Inside the O'Brien's; glad you enjoyed it! I can't wait to hear what you think about Grain of Truth - keep us posted!! Finding Jake looks really good, too! Happy Monday!

    1. Just finished Finding Jake, it was good, but so so sad. Just started Grain of Truth and thankful for the change in tone!

  3. Thanks for the descriptions. Finding Jake looks good - I imagine I would tear up. Jennifer @ Run Jenny Run

    1. I certainly did! An emotional read for sure.

  4. Ohh those all sound fantastic! Trigger Warning, Finding Jake, and Lisa Genova's newish book. I want them all!

    1. I still have Trigger Warning from the library, but it's due back next week and I haven't started it yet. I don't know what's up--I'm just suddenly not feeling it. But I'm so afraid to bring it back to the library and end up way down the wait list! I may just need to give it up for another time.


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