Monday, February 15, 2016

Book Blogger Appreciation Week: Day 1!

Good morning, readers!  Guess what?  Today is Day 1 of the long-awaited return of Book Blogger Appreciation Week!  This was a fun event that I participated in when I first started blogging, but unfortunately it disappeared soon after.  However, it's BACK, thanks to The Estella Society!  I am so excited to celebrate the awesomeness of book blogging all week long.

For Day 1, bloggers are asked to share 5 books that represent you or your interests/lifestyle.  Ooooh, deep thinking here!  I reached back in my book archives and came up with these:

1. The Honest Toddler: A Child's Guide to Parenting by Bunmi Laditan

My life is so kid-focused these days, since I stay home with my 4- and 2-year-old sons.  And I could never make it as a stay-at-home-mom without having a solid sense of humor about it.  The Honest Toddler not only is hilarious, but is a fairly accurate representation of the lighter side of parenting.

2. Run Like A Mother by Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea

Many of you already know that I do a Well-Read Runner feature on the blog, because I also love to run!  I read Run Like A Mother not long ago, and found that it accurately described the triumphs and struggles of being a running mom.

3. Bossypants by Tina Fey

Tina Fey is my spirit animal.  No need to elaborate beyond that.

4. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Okay, this might seem like a weird choice to describe me, since I didn't grow up in Brooklyn, or in poverty, or in the early 1900's.  However, Francie Nolan is possibly my favorite fictional character of all time.  As a coming-of-age story, I found this entirely relateable, even if Francie's circumstances were extremely different from mine.  There is something about her voice that resonates with me.

5. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

While I didn't think the hype for this book was entirely warranted, I still put it on this list because Gilbert's global journey certainly describes the love of travel and adventure that my husband and I share.  We did a fair amount of world traveling and exploring before our kids were born, and while our destinations are more thoroughly planned and kid-focused for now, we can't wait to one day return to the fun of globe-hopping.

Tell me a book that typifies YOU, dear readers!


  1. I still haven't read Bossypants! Must correct that.

    1. I hope you get to check it out! I am definitely due for a reread.

  2. Another Tree Grows in Brooklyn pick! Definitely need to get to that one.

    1. Haha, I am about to start checking out everyone else's intro posts, but it sounds like this is a common pick!

  3. Lol! Two of your books are on my list! Bossypants and Run Like a Mother. Great list!

  4. Okay, now that's two votes I've seen today for A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. It's been sitting on my self for YEARS (like more than 15!), so there's really no excuse...

    1. I'd had my copy for AGES before I finally got to it. Then I was sad that I'd waited so long!

  5. Oh how I adore Francie Nolan. She is just a magical creature. And Tina Fey rocks my world.

    1. Two fantastic women! You know, even if one isn't real.

  6. When I was pregnant I loved the humour books on pregnancy and toddlers. My daughter is 9 now and I just bought a book about the social media life with a child. Sigh Run like a Mother sounds like a great gifting book.

    1. Yes, the funny pregnancy books were definitely more my style than the What To Expect sorts of books. Pregnancy is not very glamorous, you have to laugh at it sometimes. :) Good luck with the social media book...a subject I am already dreading for the future!

  7. I think A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is a book that everyone should read. Such a wonderful story and I love Francie. Glad I'm seeing it on more than one list.

    1. I completely agree! A modern classic that I think is more accessible than some others.

  8. I am kicking myself. I HAD A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on my list and I took it off for Quiet! Which, is also an important book to me, but FRANCIE!!! I am so sorry Francie.

    Great list. I love seeing how books define all of us in different ways.

    1. I really need to read Quiet! I've heard so much about it, but have yet to grab a copy.

  9. I love seeing Bossypants here - so good! A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is on my list as well, and it's the one book that's receiving the most comments - people either also completely adore it, or comment on their need to read it! I love it so very much. :)

    Happy BBAW! :D

    1. Yes, that seems to be the case with ATGIB here too! :)

  10. As a mother of four who stayed home I agree that a sense of humor is essential! Books really help!

    1. Ah, a veteran! I'm glad you understand my need to laugh at parenting once in a while :)

  11. I love this list! I think it's interesting to see whether people choose the books that typify their READING or their LIVES (or both). And I agree with the other commenters that I've been seeing A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on enough of today's lists that it's piquing my interest. :)

    1. Yes, I'm about to go check out everyone else's intro posts, and I am looking forward to seeing how others approached this prompt. There's so many different ways to consider it.

  12. Bossypants...hilarious!! I loved it. Great list! Nice to "meet" you!

    1. Nice to meet you as well! Off to check out some other blogs' lists!

  13. Run Like a Mother sounds like the perfect book for you! And A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, what a great choice. It's such a wonderful example of how through books we can find our common humanity with people whose life experiences are very different from ours.

    1. Perfectly said! A book does not have to precisely match your circumstances in order to create a common understanding.

  14. neat to see you today thru these books! My 5 titles are:

  15. The Honest Toddler does sound like a great book. It sound like my type of parenting book--humor is a must! :-) Tina Fey is awesome. I really like her too, and am glad you included her book on your list. I haven't read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn yet. I have heard such good things about it though.

    It's good to know you a little better, Kelly! Thank you for sharing and for visiting my blog. :-)

    1. Sounds like we are kindred spirits in a few ways! :) Glad we got to learn a bit more about each other today.

  16. I love how you write about A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN. For me, the chance to connect with a character whose circumstances are wildly different from my own is one of the best things about fiction.

    1. Absolutely. Reading about things I already know/experience is not nearly as fun as submerging myself in something new.

  17. I haven't read Bossypants yet either! I gave it to my sister for Christmas a couple of years ago though and she told me she got lots of strange looks because she was constantly laughing out loud on the plane ride home. I'll have to get it on audio this summer!

    1. Oh yeah, I remember snort-laughing out loud at a lot of parts. I've heard the audio is awesome!

  18. Tina Fey (Amy Poehler too, for that matter)! You (and a few others) may have finally given me the push I need to read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

    1. I want to read Amy Poehler's book so badly! Can't believe I haven't gotten to it yet.

  19. The Honest Toddler & Bossypants would have been on my list too. Such great books! Run like a Mother - is something I need to get to, mostly because I am a mom to a 4 year old, who keeps putting off running! Seems to be just the thing I need! Glad to come across your blog through BBAW. :)

    1. Run Like a Mother would be perfect motivation! It totally spoke to me as a mom trying to fit runs in when I can (and when I have enough sleep). :)

  20. I love the sound of Run Like A Mother! And I've seen Bossypants a couple times today!

    1. Yes, I think any female runners would love that book, there's a little something for everyone in it.

  21. Honest Toddler is hilarious...and I love Francie too.

    1. Yes, and I heard HT (Bunmi Laditan) has another book out now too, I have to check it out.

  22. I've only seen Honest Toddler on twitter, but I laugh every time I see a tweet! I should check out the book. Have you listened to Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan? Hilarious!

    Traveling with littles can sometimes be a pain, but we definitely make the effort to do it as well. We want them to love traveling as much as we do! Plus...good food while traveling. ;)

    1. HT book is basically HT tweets in longer form. So funny!! I heard about the Gaffigan book but haven't read it yet, I will look for it.

      Glad you understand the pleasure and pain of traveling with littles! :) We love it, and we love watching them soak in those experiences, but I usually need a vacation from our vacation afterwards. Haha.

  23. I love this list! This is such a fun way to learn a little more about other bloggers :)


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