Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Showers Bring May Awesomes. (April 2013 in Review)

So April was a pretty awesome month.  Mostly because of the weather.  My pasty-pale self is now becoming pasty-pale with a scattering of freckles, which must mean the sun has arrived in Upstate New York.  If only all my freckles would meld together, I would be blessed with the most luscious tan.  Ah, the life of a ginger.

Also, my lil (not so lil anymore) brother got engaged this month!  I am wicked excited for him and his fiancee (who has received the Big Sister Seal of Approval).  Let the wedding plans begin!

As per usual in my monthly recaps, I will also grace you with a photo of Sir Small Fry.  He was very serious about his outdoor play time this month:
Obviously Mother has done something for which she should feel ashamed.
Now, enough about me, onward to the book-related goodness!  Apparently the warm weather led to less reading and more outdoor time, because my reading/posting pace was a little slower.

The April 2013 Fave/Least Fave choices were difficult, and honestly, my "least" fave shouldn't be read as being a "bad"'s just the one I gave the lowest rating to on Goodreads (a 3-star, by the way).

March 2013 Favorite: How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn
March 2013 Least Favorite: The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J Maarten Troost

In total, I read/reviewed 6 books:
How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn
Found Objects by Peter Gelfan
Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson
The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne
Weelicious by Catherine McCord
The Sex Lives of Cannibals by J Maarten Troost

I also posted one new Small Fry Saturday Review of Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox and Helen Oxenbury.

In other book talk, I was one of the first features on Book Bloggers International, we took a trip down my college-era memory lane, and I told you all the topics that, if melted together, would create my ultimate read.

May is going to be a busy month around here--we're getting a new roof put on today, and Small Fry is getting ear tubes inserted tomorrow, so already we're off with a bang.  But May is also my engagement anniversary (awww).  And, let's not forget that Mother's Day is coming up.  YOU'RE ON NOTICE, HUSBAND.  Fine jewels and massages as far as the eye can see!  (Or at least the ability to sleep past 6am.)

Have a great month!


  1. "You're on notice, husband." That cracks me up. I fear my present this year will be healthy and happy newborn, which I have to say is a pretty good gift. :)

    I hope you get all of those things for Mother's Day plus lots of cuddles from the small and serious one.

    1. I do think your gift will be pretty spectacular, in that case!! :)

  2. LOL, I hope your husband is noticing your hints ;) With your engagement anniversary and Mom's Day coming up he has plenty of opportunities to wow you!

    Congrats to your brother! I hope your little one's tubes go in successfully!

    Yay for April, it was a good one. Onward to May!

    1. Tubes did go well and he is already sleeping/eating better, which is awesome. Now let's just hope no more infections!

  3. I've got to finish World's Strongest Librarian soon! You read a lot for April. Loved the photo and Happy Mother's Day!

    1. WSL is such a good book, can't wait to hear what you think!

  4. I'm kind of glad to read about you not reading so much in nice weather, because whilst my April was okay, my May has been mostly spent outside and I feel bad about it (I shouldn't, I know). Congrats to your brother and hope your busy May is a good one :)

    1. Yes definitely DON'T feel bad. Of course, we could read outside, but there's so many OTHER things to do too...

  5. I just won the World's Strongest Librarian and I am excited to start it!

  6. So THAT's Small Fry! I have Librarian, too, and can't wait to read it!

    1. Yes, I haven't posted many pictures of him, so this one is a rare glimpse. :)


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