Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Monday, readers!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!  What are you reading today?
My weekend was a bit hectic, but a good one.  As a final (free!) birthday gift, my dear husband took Small Fry for Saturday morning and I spent it at the library...alone...reading and lurking through the shelves.  (Since we just moved here, I am well within my rights to do a fair amount of lurking as I get to know my new library.)  It was awesome!  I rarely get more than 30 minutes of uninterrupted reading at a time these days, so having 3 whole hours was a real treat.

Otherwise, it's been lots more unpacking, sorting, and trips to Home Depot as we settle into the house.  But it's nice to be done with moving trucks and just be busy putting everything in its place now.

(On a related note, can someone please tell my husband that there is no such thing as having "too many books"?!?!?!?)  :-P

Sooooo, what am I reading today?

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Yes, this is one of my 30 before 35 books...there's nothing like a little challenge to get me motivated to read something that's been on my TBR for ages!  I have been dying to read this ever since I finished Flynn's Gone Girl, and (about halfway through) I am not feeling disappointed.  It's a completely different subject than Gone Girl, but still with the dark and unsettling notes that I remember from that novel.  I probably won't wait long to jump into Flynn's other novel, Dark Places.

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

I was very very excited to FINALLY see this download to my Kindle at midnight on the 24th!  I started King's latest over the weekend, and even though I'm not too far in yet, I am already super happy with how it picks up from The Shining.  I expected a bigger time lapse between the end of The Shining and the beginning of Doctor Sleep, but Danny is actually still just a boy as the story commences.
I am taking part in the #SleepAlong (a Doctor Sleep read-along), hosted by Charlene at Cheap Thrills and Tif at Tif Talks Books.  It starts TODAY and goes through October 21.  If you want in, check out either of their blogs ASAP!

What will I read next?
I am excited to have an ARC of Wally Lamb's We Are Water up for review at the end of October, and I will probably get it started pretty soon.  Other possibles are The Memory Palace by Mira Bartok and Me Before You by JoJo Moyes.

What's in your reading plans this week, friends?


  1. Oh, Sharp Objects is exciting! I read it about a month or so after reading Gone Girl and I remember thinking it was actually a more enjoyable read. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I am loooooving it so far. It's so disturbing. Haha.

  2. So many awesome books! I'm participating in the #sleepalong too, but haven't started the book yet. And Gillian Flynn - gotta read her backlist!

    Tanya Patrice

  3. Oh your silly, silly husband. Too many books? What is that? Still, he seems like a sweetheart for giving you that lurking time so I won't crack on him anymore. ;)

    I've been meaning to get to Sharp Objects as well. One of these days I suppose. You're so lucky to have the new Lamb! I hope it's fabulous :D

    1. True, he may not understand my book collection but at least he understands my need for reading time. :)
      I totally jumped on the Lamb tour for TLC the second I heard it was available...I ADORE his novels!

  4. I don't think I'd read it, but the cover of Doctor Sleep is awesome. This week I'm reading To the Fair Land by Lucienne Boyce.

    1. Agreed on that cover, I love it. Never heard of your current read but I will check it out!

  5. Yay for Doctor Sleep! I just picked up my copy from the library yesterday. (And I've lived here for three years and I still lurk in my library. Some may find it creepy, I prefer to think of it as eccentric... only I don't think I'm rich enough to qualify for eccentric. Quirky?)

    1. I think people are generally entitled to be a little quirky in libraries. :)

  6. Didn't realize you were also a Kelly!
    I'm reading We are Water now and not loving it :( Heard good things about Me Before You, though!
    My husband's not a reader, except for techie websites and blogs, but he's tremendously supportive of my reading and actually set up my own blog for me. That's really the important thing. How wonderful that he babysat so you could be a book wanderer! Hope you discovered some good titles.

    1. Oh nooooo about the Lamb novel! Have you read his other ones? How do you feel they compare?

  7. That Doctor Sleep read-a-long image (and the book's cover) is so spooky and October-perfect!

    1. Agreed! I am not always in love with King's covers, but this one is pretty great.

  8. So so so tempted to pick up Doctor Sleep. I'm resisting (for now), but I don't think it will last long.

  9. I am so glad to see that you are joining us for Doctor Sleep! I have not made it far yet, but I agree that I was expecting a larger time lapse in the story. So glad to see it pick up earlier than expected!

    1. Agreed! I need to get over to your blog and respond to the initial questions, been a crazy week. I am really intrigued by the book so far though. Have moved on to Danny as an adult (and gotten my intro to the True Knot), so things are definitely picking up.

    2. You are further than I am. I've had a horrible reading week so far! :( Hoping to change that soon!!

      Feel free to stop by whenever you have the chance!


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