Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Sunday Post #3: Christmas (kids) book haul

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance for book bloggers to share what's going on with them this week, any new book-related news, etc.

I am still in recovery mode over here from the holidays, people!  Christmas, as I mentioned previously, was great, if tiring.  Small Fry is 3.5 now, and the "magic of Christmas" is totally in his bones at this age.  He was SO FREAKIN EXCITED about everything.  And Tater Tot was excited that his brother was excited, so that made me happy.

Post-Christmas, we made the mistake of letting Small Fry stay up til midnight for the first time on New Year's Eve, and we are still suffering the consequences.  Please pray for us that someone sleeps in this house soon.

Despite our sleepless state, we have been happily reading to our kiddos the last few weeks, especially from their new Christmas books.  They received several books, both from us and from relatives, but here are their favorites:

A Treasury of Curious George by Margaret and H.A. Rey

Small Fry is TOTES into Curious George right now.  He already owns The Complete Adventures of Curious George, which he adores, but is full of the older stories in which little C.G. smokes a pipe and gets high on ether (not a joke, look that craziness up for yourself).  I was happy to buy him this book of newer stories, in which Curious George is inquisitive, but not on the road to prison.

Duck & Goose 1, 2, 3 by Tad Hills

Tater Tot took a bit longer to get into books than Small Fry did as a baby.  However, around his first birthday, TT started sitting and listening when I read to him (vs. the smacking me in the face that was happening before).  Duck & Goose books have been some of his favorites.  For whatever reason, he goes into a trance-like state when he sees those adorable waterfowl.  This is the newest one in his collection, and he is delighted.

Little Blue Truck's Christmas by Alice Schertle

Small Fry already loved the original Little Blue Truck book.  This one has blinking lights in it.  BOOM.  Both boys are fully entranced.

Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney

Another new one for Small Fry.  He enjoys Llama Llama books, but I had to special mention this one because my husband laughs so.flipping.hard. every time he reads the part when Llama Llama has his complete meltdown in the grocery store.  SO DRAMATIC, LITTLE LLAMA.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  Any of your kidlets get good books under the tree this year?


  1. Awww these are great books!! LOVE Llama Llama!!

    1. Llama Llama is the bomb. I stalk Anna Dewdney for new releases almost as much as Jodi Picoult.

  2. My daughter got the Little Blue Truck Christmas book too! She got so many books for Christmas, way more than I did!

    1. Same with my little guys! They made out at the bookstore this holiday way more than I did.

  3. I LOVE the llama, llama books, though I think this particular one is the best of them. And you can't really beat Curious George. Kid #2 got some Busytown books from Santa; those are always fun and timeless. (Good luck recovering from New Year's... I know how it is!)

    1. Hmmm I'm not sure my kids have any Busytown books yet...I will have to look into those!

  4. Awww Curious George! Man, I loved that monkey!

    1. He is brazenly law-breaking in the earlier books, but in his later years he seems to have calmed down. Ha!

  5. I love Llama Llama! I have Llama Llama Red Pajama basically memorized which is handy. You've got a great selection of kids books. I think I've read at least most of them. The letting the little ones stay up late always backfires doesn't it! I think we're just getting our youngest back to a normal sleep schedule. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, the last two nights we finally started sleeping again. Thank goodness! I'll remember this for next year...

  6. Such fun books. I bet you don't mind reading them over and over again either. Too cute:)

    here's my Sunday Post -

    1. Nope, I usually read them until I have them memorized...haha :)

  7. We haven't read any Llama Llama yet but considering some of the meltdowns that we've had in the grocery store, sounds like maybe we need to head to the library stat!

    1. Oh yes!! This one is perfect for store meltdowns! :) My favorite is Llama Llama Home With Mama. Because Mama gets sick and Llama brings her a big stack of books to read in bed. I am not sure what alternate reality this takes place in, but I like it!

  8. My toddler got a ton of new Sandra Boynton books, her favorite of which is Doggies because it involves making animal noises and dogs and she is currently obsessed with anything dog-related.

    1. Looove Sandra Boynton! My younger son is currently enamored with Snuggle Puppy.


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