Monday, March 25, 2013

Bloggiesta Wrap-Up

Oy vey, readers.  I did not get much Bloggiesta-ing done at all this weekend!  I had high hopes, but poor Small Fry was up with the sniffles on Friday/Saturday night, and then I had a sore throat by Sunday...all of which led to very little blogging time.  Boo, hiss.

However, I did still manage to take part in one Bloggiesta chat, and visit a whole bunch of new blogs!  That's probably one of the things I love most about Bloggiesta anyway--getting to know some new people in the blog community.  Plus, I am planning to attack my Google Reader/Feedly account today (because I really need to get that organized).  So it wasn't a complete wash.

I hope everyone else had an awesome and productive weekend!


  1. What I love about these events is that we can do whatever we can manage...and visiting blogs that are new to us is a great benefit.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. So true. I feel like finding new blogs reinvigorates my own blogging quite a bit.

  2. One of the coolest things about this event is meeting new bloggers :) I hope your little one is healthy now and that you don't come down with anything!

    1. Thanks Jen :) Only a sore throat here, nothing I can't handle!

  3. I focused a lot more on the social aspect of blogging this weekend as well. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. Awww I'm sorry you guys had the crud visit your house. Get well soon!

  5. Hopefully Small Fry feels better now. Sick is never fun at all!

    1. He is better, Mom is on the mend. :) Thanks!

  6. Sending healing thoughts and virtual chicken soup! I'm glad you got to participate in some of the socializing -- that's an important part of the event!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Thanks for the soup! :) Yes, the socializing is half the reason why I love it anyway.

  7. I'm sorry that you got sick! That's never any fun. I am also sending virtual saltines to go with that virtual chicken soup. I hope you two feel better!

    1. Thanks for the saltines, y'all are a generous bunch! Haha.

  8. Hope you and your son feel better soon :) It takes a while to organise the feeds, but it's worth it.

    1. I agree. I'm about 75% done going through all my subscriptions and I will be SO happy when it's completed!

  9. I think it's all about what you can accomplish and get done. And I think it's also about figuring out when you can get whatever you didn't get done, done.

    1. So true Rebecca. Just because the weekend is over doesn't mean I'll stop working on those goals. Maybe by the end of the month?

  10. Oh, I hope Fry and you feel better soon. I really wanted to join Blogiesta but didn't because there's too much to do and a weekend is so less a time. So I keep doing little things on the blog whenever I get some time. Hope you will do all your goals when you have time.

    1. Yes, I've realized that I should just make every day a Bloggiesta day, and try to get these things done throughout the year! :)

  11. It happens. I love events like Bloggiesta because of meeting new blogs. I think that's enough of a win. It is one of the reasons I participate in Dewey's 24 hour readathon, which is coming up. I can't wait.

    1. Oooh I am so jealous! I wish I knew about the readathon before I had a kid. Now the idea of 24 hrs of reading is a distant dream. LOL.

    2. I've joined the Dewey's readathon too. for me it will be read as much as I can in 24 hours (cause I got 3 kids!)

    3. I'm totally impressed that you're doing it with 3 kids around...I have 1 and I know I can't devote enough time! Haha.

  12. It was nice to meet you during Bloggiesta. Sometimes when I participate I do not get much done and others I rock the list. But at least the times you don't complete it, you still have a list of some things to work on later. :) I find it helpful.

    1. Nice to meet you as well! Yes, I have been very busy in the week since, it's giving me a nice to-do list to work on.


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