Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wondrous Words Wednesday (21)

Welcome back, wordy friends!

Wondrous Words Wednesday is hosted by BermudaOnion each week. It's an opportunity to share new words you've encountered in your reading, or highlight words that you particularly enjoy.

Here are three of my favorites new-to-me words from 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King.  Yes, I am STILL pulling words that I wrote down from this book back in October.  SK is a master of language!  These are the last three from that list.

 All definitions from

1. fulsome. "'Stabilized' is the fulsome term young Dr. Cody used when he examined me late yesterday afternoon."  

1. offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive; overdone or gross: fulsome praise that embarrassed her deeply; fulsome decor.
2. disgusting; sickening; repulsive: a table heaped with fulsome mounds of greasy foods.
3. excessively or insincerely lavish: fulsome admiration.
4. encompassing all aspects; comprehensive: a fulsome survey of the political situation in Central America.
5. abundant or copious.

The "insincere" and "comprehensive" aspects of the word seem to be closest to the use here.

2. cant. "He was an imaginative, open-minded boy who was remarkably resistant to cant."

1. insincere, especially conventional expressions of enthusiasm for high ideals, goodness, or piety.
2. the private language of the underworld.
3. the phraseology peculiar to a particular class, party, profession, etc.: the cant of the fashion industry.
4. whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars.

Wow, lots of definition here!  I think the first definition is what he was going for, but the second one is intriguing given the subject of the novel.

3. banns. "Two years later, the girl became engaged to another man.  She broke it off quite suddenly during the week before the banns were to be cried for the second time." 

1. notice of an intended marriage, given three times in the parish church of each of the betrothed.
2. any public announcement of a proposed marriage, either verbal or written and made in a church or by church officials.

Is this an outdated term?  I'm not religious enough to know if it's still used commonly.

What are your new words this week?

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