Friday, August 2, 2013

A Surprise and A Sorry: July 2013 in Review

What a month July has been!  To recap...I will start with the "surprise" part of my post title.

Last week was our appointment to find out if Tater Tot (hereby the official blog name of baby #2) is a boy or a girl.  We didn't find out before Small Fry was born, so it was kind of exciting to get the reveal this early.  ALL of our friends and family were predicting girl.  And guess what?

All of our friends and family are terrible guessers.

Tater Tot is a BOY!  Woohoo!  Here comes a little brother for Small Fry!  Somebody break out the first aid kits, I'm going to need them with all these little men in my life!
Don't worry, I'm not posting the picture of his "goods".  I am not THAT mom.
Beyond that, our lives have been filled with getting ready to MOVE.  Our official move date to the temporary rental house is this coming Monday.  EEEEKKKK.  Most of my life is in boxes right now.  But hopefully by mid-next-week we will be somewhat settled into our temporary residence.

The "sorry" is for how spotty my posting will probably be during the next few weeks.  We have next week's move, and then we'll be spending lots of time getting settled and figuring out our new neighborhood/town.  I will be charging into my new adventure as a stay-at-home-mom.  And, by the end of the month, we will be preparing for our second (and FINAL) move into the new house, in September.  Don't worry, I do have some reviews lined up, but I just might not be very comment-respondy or Twitter-chatty.  I will let you know when life returns to normal though!

Onward to the July reading!

The July 2013 Fave/Least Fave choices are deceiving this month, because I can't say I disliked any of the books I read...I just liked some more than others.  So my "least fave" shouldn't be read as being a "bad" novel, capiche?

June 2013 Favorite: Sea Creatures by Susanna Daniel
June 2013 Least Favorite: A Woman in Jerusalem by A.B. Yehoshua

In total, I read/reviewed 6 books:
Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver
Joyland by Stephen King
July 7th by Jill McCorkle
The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison
A Woman in Jerusalem by A.B. Yehoshua
Sea Creatures by Susanna Daniel

I also posted 2 new Small Fry Saturday Reviews of On The Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman, and Roadwork by Sally Sutton.

In addition, we chatted about my biggest reading pet peeve, things that make me tell a book to talk to the hand, and the generalized chaos in my life.

So here comes August...month of moving.  AND 1-year Blogoversary!!  Stay tuned for that, I will definitely have a fun giveaway lined up.

Have a great month, readers!


  1. Congratulations on your little boy! I hope your move goes smoothly!

  2. Congrats on... everything! New baby boy, moving, blogiversary... so much excitement, so little time!

  3. Congratulations! That's very exciting news!

  4. Yay baby boy! Good luck with your move and transition to SAHM!

  5. Wow, sounds like you have quite the month coming up! BUT CONGRATS ON YOUR BOY! So much fun! I keep saying everyone I know seems to be pregnant or just had a baby, and now I just realized that it seems they're all boys as well. I just had my second nephew born two weeks ago! Hope all goes smooth with the moving and you have a great August :)

    1. It's funny how sometimes one sex comes in waves. When my son was born I felt like EVERY other kid we met around that time was a girl. Now I know a lot more people having boys.

  6. Wahoo! You now have a matching set of starchy offspring! Tater Tot and Small Fry. Watch out, world! Do you register for second pregnancies? Is that a thing? Because you should register for lots of band aids, stain sticks, and helmets. This coming from someone who has no kids and therefore knows nothing. It just seems like a prudent shopping list. In fact, I may need a helmet in case of flying space debris...

    1. I think some people do, but we're not (already have a house full of baby stuff, ha!). But, definitely worth me investing in the first aid supplies aren't wrong about that AT ALL.

  7. Congratulations! Hope your busy month runs smoothly / stress free.

  8. Aw, congratulations! I hope the move goes smoothly too. Will miss seeing you around the blogosphere but it's for a good cause ;)

    Ooh, it's my blogoversary this month too... I wonder if they're close :o

    1. Thanks Rinn! Mine is the 24th, when is yours?

  9. Congrats on your little boy! I have two little guys, myself, and you will definitely need the band-aids. :) But they are so much fun.
    Good luck with your move!

    1. Thanks Kathy, I appreciate the boy-mom words of support :)

  10. Hooray for little boys! I have girl/boy/girl...let's just say that the boy has been 400X easier to raise, lol. CONGRATS!!

    You'll be a busy little bee, it's understandable if hanging on the 'net isn't your top priority!

    1. Haha, I've heard that before (about boys vs girls)...especially in the teenage years...:)

  11. Congrats, Kelly! The net's got nothing on moving house and changing your life so see you when you're ready :)

  12. Hooray! I bet your little guy is really excited about having a little brother. Good luck with all the crazy and good stuff you have in the next few weeks!

    1. Yes, he seems interested in the "brudder" in mom's belly, though I'm not sure he totally understands what it means for him yet...haha. He does want to name him Tito though, which is interesting (to say the least).


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