Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday reading update...

Hope you all had a great weekend!  What's everybody reading today?

Reading is definitely at a slow pace around here lately, but as we get into a routine in our rental house, it's picking up a bit.  Last week (our first week here) we found 4 (FOUR!) natural gas leaks in the basement and kitchen (thankfully fixed now), and have been working around the many carpenters, painters, and flooring repairers that have been coming in and out.  Yes, the last tenants were real winners.

But otherwise, things are calming down, I found my new local library (HOORAY!  More on that soon), I am no longer huffing gas fumes, and today is my first official day flying solo as a stay-at-home-mom (husband started his new job this morning).  All exciting things!  Though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to move into our actual house next month...

Anyway, my current read:

The Banks of Certain Rivers by Jon Harrison

Neil Kazenzakis is barely holding his life together: ever since an accident left his wife profoundly disabled, he's been doing his best as a single dad and popular high school teacher. He's also been dealing with Lauren Downey, his sort-of girlfriend of the past two years who's pushing for a commitment—and for Neil to finally tell his son Christopher about their secret relationship.

Neil's carefully balanced world begins to fall apart when some questionable footage of him is anonymously posted to YouTube...just as Chris learns about Lauren in the worst possible way. Doubting his own recollection of the events in the online video and threatened with the loss of his job and the ability to care for his wife, Neil must find a way to prove the truth to his family, his community, and himself as he struggles to regain the splintered trust of his son.
Heartbreaking, poignant, and written with devastating humor and warmth, The Banks of Certain Rivers is a shattering story of memory, loss, and just how far a man will go to show the people closest to him the meaning of love.(from Goodreads)

I received a copy of this novel for review a while back, and finally got around to starting it last week.  It's Harrison's debut novel and I am really enjoying it so far.  The story is taking a while to unfold, but I love the characters and don't mind meandering my way through their journey.  Hopefully a full review for you later this week!

What will I be reading next?

Likely going to be The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan.  I'm on the TLC tour for August 20, and with my lethargic reading pace lately, I better start it soon!  :)

After that, I have a few possibilities and tour books lined up, including Hungry by Darlene Barnes, Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa, and The Smart One by Jennifer Close.

What are you reading this week, friends?


  1. It's certainly been a busy time for you. Just think: A month and I'll be settled.

    Enjoy your reading week!

    Here's my What Are You Reading?!

  2. Gas leaks, boo! That's not good. I'm glad your huffing days are over, ha ha! I've heard great things about the Fagan, I hope you end up enjoying it :)

    1. I hope so too! Very happy to be included on the tour.

  3. I hope the time flies and you're in your new place before you know it!

  4. It's a shame that you have all that trouble to work around, and you are not even staying there very long, sigh. Glad things are looking up, and the best news, you found a decent library, yay! Where we are renting now the library is so small and the books are so not recent...but we are moving next year and I told my husband access to good library a must, or I will keep buying so many books!

    1. Yes, the library near this house isn't nearly as good as the one in my last town, but the one near the house we're moving to next month seems I'll deal with this one for now. :) Hope your move (and new library) comes swiftly! :)

  5. So many good things going on for you! Minus the gas leaks. I would FREAK OUT. Enjoy Panopticon! It's coming up soon for me too.

    1. Yeah, I freaked out, especially after the repair guy came and said, "wow, kind of amazed your whole house didn't blow." :-O

  6. Enjoy SAHMhood! (I'm caught between worlds but I think most of the time, that's what I am... ish. LOL)

    I finished "Bacon and Egg Man" and "I Await the Devil's Coming" last week.

    1. Haha, that's how I felt when I was working (because I only worked 3 days/week)...I was kind of a half-SAHM. :)

  7. I'm reading Under the Dome on my Nook and listening to The Language of Flowers. Loving both so far.

    1. Lovvvvve Under the Dome, can't wait to hear what you think!

  8. I keep smelling gas outside in our neighborhood every now and then, but we don't have any gas coming into the house. Smelling it coming from the street is scary enough! I have to read Memory of Running for a book club meeting in a week; I already listened to it on audio a couple of years ago, so I don't really want to read it again, and I'm so behind on my blog reviews, that I might not!

    1. Oh yeah, I hate when I'm in a book club that's reading a book I've already read a while back. I am rarely motivated to do more than just skim it before the discussion.

  9. I've been dying to read The Panopticon - can't wait to read your review!

    Congrats on SAHM-hood! It's a whole new world but so worth it. Enjoy the extra time with your smoochies!

    1. Panopticon is interesting so far. About 40% done at this point and not sure what I think yet. And thanks for the congrats!

  10. Four natural gas leaks?? Cricky! That sounds stressful! Glad it's all calming down for you now.

    I'm reading My Brother My Sister, an account of Molly Haskell's brother's sex change - it's so interesting.

    1. Oh wow, that does sound interesting. I'll have to check that one out.

  11. Construction can be a real drag, but hopefully the place will feel great when the work is complete. So glad that the leaks were found before there was an accident. Whew!
    Your books are new to me, so I am looking forward to reading your reviews. Have a great week.
    -Dilettantish Reader

    1. I hope it will too! Just got new carpet installed this week, now just waiting on the painters to finish up and then we should be clear of all the construction for a while.


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