Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 2014 in Review (and new blog goal!)

This was more relevant yesterday, but it's my favorite internet meme in the history of ever, so...

Happy May, my friends!  Such craziness around these parts last month.  April started out with a trip to Florida to celebrate my stepbrother's wedding.  We had an awesomesauce time, and Small Fry MAY have set the record for cutest ringbearer in the history of ringbearers.
WHO TOLD HIM TO PUT HIS HAND IN HIS POCKET?  Nobody. What a smooth operator, this one.
Then we came home, and it was the best of times (some 80 degree days, Tater Tot's first Easter, Small Fry's first time flying a kite) and the worst of times (I got the worst.headcold.ever, and then Small Fry got it too. Oy).

Also, I registered to run a half marathon in September.  WHAT?  I know, I have been possessed by a demon.  I have to admit I am pretty excited about it though.  I'm going to start seriously training at the end of June.  EEEEKKKK.

OH, and we bought a minivan.  We pick it up today.  I am officially a MOM now!!!
Anyway, to recap bookish stuff: In April I read/reviewed 5 books:
The Martian by Andy Weir
Mind of Winter by Laura Kasischke
Croak by Gina Damico
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Driving Lessons by Zoe Fishman

And that was it.

The fact that "that was it" leads me to my new blog goal.  I know I have been totally time-strapped lately, and cutting back on blogging has been a necessity.  BUT, I do miss it.  I miss posting things other than reviews, I miss commenting on other blogs, etc.  So I'm setting a small goal for myself: each month, I will write at least ONE substantive post that is not a book review.  A musing on something book related, a Top Ten Tuesday, SOMETHING.  I think it will help me stay excited about my little blog space here...and also keep you all from being bored to tears too.

So, any suggestions for May's non-review post?  I know you're just dying to hear me wax poetic about something!


  1. Congrats on the new van! And oh my word, the hand in the pocket... ADORABLE!!!

    1. Thanks! Just drove it home a couple hours driving a bus! haha.

  2. Good luck with the half marathon and with all of your goals! It sounds like April was a great month.The kids look adorable. Buying a "mommy car" was a big step for me too (we're often dealing with small city streets, so we went with a mini-mini van!).

    1. Ah yes, I can see why. The first time I put the thing in reverse, it felt like I was backing up a tractor trailer!

  3. Good luck, that sounds like a great goal! And oh yes... he looks so suave!

  4. Good luck with your goal. And congratulations on the minivan! Today is one of those days when I feel like a minivan mom, which is just another way of saying supermom!

    1. So true! I feel extra mom-capable in this thing. Haha.

  5. Oh! Oh! You should do six degrees of separation one of these months for your non-review post. It's a once a month thing and it's such great fun. The Bell Jar is May's book choice, but meme details are heeeere:

    1. I am TOTES MAGOTES doing this!! Great idea!!

  6. I agree with Katie! I saw it done once (with Burial Rites) and it was the coolest thing!

    1. I am just starting to read some of the posts now. This is a great idea!

  7. good luck for your new goal and your past month. here is my wrap-up:

  8. Love your goal! I haven't written much besides book stuff lately, and injecting something else thoughtful often helps my blogging mojo. Congrats on all the things! He is a super adorable ring bearer, go vans!, and holycraphalfmarathon. Whoa!

    1. Agreed about the mojo, I love writing reviews but sometimes I need to mix it up to keep myself excited about blogging, you know?

  9. Congrats on the new vehicle! The picture cracked me up, too funny!

    1. Haha thanks, I figure I just have to laugh at myself to forget the fact that I am driving a minivan. :)


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