Thursday, June 13, 2013

Two Challenges DOWN!

I am pretty proud of myself, reader friends.  Remember all those crazy challenges I signed up for this year?  Of the five, I've already finished TWO!  And it's not even the halfway point of the year.  PATS ON THE BACK, YO.

The two that I finished are:

Audiobook Challenge (hosted by Teresa's Reading Corner)

I signed up to listen to at least 6 audiobooks and finished it when I completed The Round House last week.  I considered upping it to the next level (12 audiobooks), but I am going to lose my work commute in August when we move, so chances are I wouldn't make it.  However, I do hope to squeeze in another 1-2 before then.

Foodies Read Challenge (hosted by Foodies Read)

This wasn't tough, since I love food books so much!  I signed up for Pastry Chef level (4-8 food books) and hit #4 when I finished Pollan's Cooked last week.  I may throw in a few more throughout the year, but probably not enough to get above 8, so I'd say I'm done at this point.

As for my other three challenges...two are going great.  They are both monthly challenges (with a different category to fill each month) so I can't finish them until December, but so far I am right on track with both.  That's the Keyword Challenge and the Around The World in 12 Books Challenge.  As for the fifth one...let's just say the TBR Challenge is going to be a total wash.  I signed up to read 24 books from my TBR pile at home and so far I've read...1.  LAAAAAAAAAAAAME.  But there are just too many good library books and ARCs right now!!  Maybe next year...

Did you sign up for any 2013 challenges?  How are they going so far?


  1. Woohoo! Good for you!

    I'm only 10 books away from my "52 books in 52 weeks" challenge so I may have to up my Goodreads 2013 goal. I signed up for a language freak summer challenge, but I'm just not sure how I'm going to do on that... I haven't even started. :(

    1. Gotta love it when you get ahead on challenges! Good luck with the summer one...haven't heard of that one before. I'll have to check it out.

  2. Way to go you reading maniac! Hell's bells, that reminds me that I haven't even LOOKED at my 2013 TBR Pile challenge list in a long while. Eeep.

  3. Yay!!! You're rocking the challenges :-) I think I finished 1 and am working on the last book for the audiobook challenge.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Nice work! How many are you in for total? I think I'll consider it an overall win if I can complete at least three of the five...haha.

  4. Good job! I kinda wish I'd gotten into the Foodies reading challenge.

    1. It's definitely a fun one. And there's still time...! :)

  5. Yikes, I think I'm failing miserably on my Off the Shelf Challenge, which is the only one I have going. I really think I'd enjoy audiobooks if I would just get myself going on them...maybe a challenge might be the way to do it.

    1. It has definitely motivated me. And I don't miss morning radio shows that much at all. :)

  6. Well done Kelly, that's excellent! I think not adding audio books now is a good idea. If you read them you read them but no point in adding pressure and making it feel like you haven't completed your goal.

    1. Exactly, I have enough pressure with the other challenges anyway! :)

  7. Way to go! You are rocking your challenges. I'm awful at reading challenges. I'm awful at challenges in general. I start off all excited and then stumble.

    1. Yes, I've realized that I'm good at them if I focus on just a few. I definitely overdid it this year and the TBR and Keyword challenges will probably suffer as a result.


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