Monday, December 23, 2013

2014 Mount TBR Challenge: sign me up!

Hola, readers!  Just a quick post today (in between baby feeding/diapering/cuddling) to declare myself for the 2014 Mount TBR reading challenge!

As I mentioned previously, I tried this challenge in 2013 but failed miserably.  However, this time it will be the only challenge I'm doing, and I hope that will help me focus on it a bit more.

I am trying for the Mont Blanc level: at least 24 books off my TBR for the year.

So, here's hoping 2014 is a better TBR year than 2013!


  1. Welcome back! Hope your climb goes more smoothly this year!

  2. First of all congratulations on you new little guy!. You will be extra busy this year, a 2nd little person adds more than just a little more work. Good luck on your reading challenge.

    1. Oh yes, I am already realizing that quite quickly! :) Thanks Judy!

  3. I'll be pulling for you!!!! I have 12 on my year-long TBR challenge pile, and I pick 10 books per quarter for myself. That's a lot! But I'm gonna try my bestest. We can do ittt!

    1. I will be rooting for you too! I can already tell my issue this year will be my's so convenient...but it doesn't do my paper TBR pile any favors...

  4. Good luck with your challenge. I wasn't going to commit to any this year but may just do this one!


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