Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ALL HAIL TATER TOT! He has arrived!

Hello bloggy friends!  Well, you can never say that I'm not good at scheduling posts, seeing as how the last three you've read here were all, obviously, scheduled before this major life event occurred...

That's right, darling Tater Tot decided to make his grand entrance into the world last Wednesday, December 11 at 6:01pm.  Momma here was only 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant, so it was certainly unexpected (seeing as how Small Fry stuck around for 40 weeks and 6 days...).  :)

Lil' Tater was a healthy 7lbs 12oz, 20.5 inches long, and super super adorable (which clearly goes without saying):

It's been a whirlwind of a week, but we have fallen in love with our new little guy and it's been great settling in as a family of four!

As mentioned previously, posting may be scarce here for a wee bit (though these 3am feedings really are helped along by my Kindle).  But I promise I am not completely disappearing.  I will have more booky goodness for you very soon!!  MUAH!


  1. Welcome to the world you gorgeous boy!! Congrats Kelly :*) Ahhh, I looove babies!

  2. So cute!!! Congratulations!!!!

  3. I did wonder about your last post, knowing he was due. Congratulations to you both!

    1. Haha yes, I was a little worried I wouldn't get that last book reviewed in time for TLC...just made it!

  4. Congrats! He's such a little cutie. Hope you're both doing good. :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, we are doing well...I am tired, but that's par for the course, right? :)

  5. CONGRATS!!! So happy for your family and your new adorable tot.

  6. Congratulations Kelly!!! All the best to you and your family.

  7. Wow congratulations Kelly!!!! He looks like he has a healthy pair of lungs on him!! ;) Gosh, babies popping out everywhere these days, seems like everyone I know is having one this time of year! (what's in the water in May hmm?) My best friend just had her first baby on Sunday - named him Atticus! - and I've got three more friends due soon too. What a great christmas present for you eh! Looking forward to hearing more/seeing more photos (oh maybe that's what Facebook is for...). All the best!

    1. Haha, he does indeed (though I think he was yawning rather than screaming in that pic). :) I will post some more pics soon!

  8. Aww, congratulations! He's so cute :)

  9. Congratulations!!!! Enjoy him, especially during this warm and cuddly time of year!!

    1. Oh I am! It's so different being home with a newborn in the winter (Small Fry was born in July)...much easier to cocoon and just enjoy the baby snuggles. :)

  10. Congratulations! Very happy for you... hope you're doing well! :)


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