Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Final Countdown: November 2013 in Review

IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!  (**cue cheesy synthesizer music**)

That's right, my darlings--only 21 days until Tater Tot's due date.  I can hardly believe it.  (Never mind, I can totally believe it, because I am the size of a house.)  Most moments, I'm ready and super psyched for him to make his debut.  A few other moments, I'm like, "OMG WHAT DID WE DO?  AM I REALLY READY TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 2 TINY HUMANS?"  And then I LOL and figure that ship has long sailed, so panic time is over and I am back to being super psyched.

Fair warning that I will probably go MIA for quite some time after Mr. TT arrives.  Though of course, I will try to at least pop on here and let you know that he HAS arrived.  But afterwards, I'll be going pretty light on the reading until things calm down around here.  I hope you will bear with me during my book blog "maternity leave"!  I plan to get back in the game as soon as I can, though I'm guessing it won't be for a month or two, we shall see.  I do know that I have my trusty Kindle Paperwhite to help me through those 2am feedings, so that should help me along.  :)

For now, I am trying to devour any reading that I can find the time for, while at the same time, devouring all the food in my fridge, since I only have about 21 more days in my life where this will be socially and gastronomically acceptable.
Me and Giant Tater Tot, rocking out in the Thanksgiving snow
Anyway, how was the reading this month?

I am going to do my fave/least fave picks, because I always do, but they really don't feel very fair this month, because all 6 of the books I read were good!  So the "least fave" is definitely not a bad book...it's just #6 on a list of enjoyable books I read this month.  Capiche?

November 2013 Favorite Book: The Whole Golden World by Kristina Riggle
November 2013 Least Favorite (but still good) Book: The Preservationist by Justin Kramon

In total, I read/reviewed 6 books:

The Preservationist by Justin Kramon
The Last Camellia by Sarah Jio
Buying In by Laura Hemphill
The Whole Golden World by Kristina Riggle
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
The Memory Palace by Mira Bartok

Otherwise, I volunteered at the Rochester Children's Book Festival, and did a Small Fry Saturday post for How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen.

Posts you can (hopefully) look forward to before this giant baby arrives: 
-my "Best Books of 2013" list, 
-a review of my 2013 resolutions (as well as a list of my new ones for 2014), and 
-a wrap-up of all the crazy reading challenges I signed up for this year.  

What do you think, Tater Tot?  Can you stay all up in my belly until I get that stuff written?


  1. I ALWAYS think of that song anytime a countdown is mentioned!

    Good luck with everything in the next couple months! So exciting!

    1. OK, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks of that ridiculous song in these situations. Haha. Thanks!

  2. Congratulations, best of luck, and see you soon :)

  3. Hahhaaha now the synthesizer is playing in my head! I'm excited for Tater Tot to arrive.... Probably not as excited as YOU are though. I have a friend due Friday and I served her belly with an eviction notice today. She's REALLY ready to be done being pregnant, I'm sure you are too! Best of luck!

    1. I really hope eviction notices are not needed. Small Fry was 6 days late and that was noooo fun!!

  4. Congratulations! I hope everything goes well and that you have a happy, healthy baby :)


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