Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Sunday Post #1: Christmas book haul!

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It's a chance for book bloggers to share what's going on with them this week, any new book-related news, etc.  Since my life has been rather crazy lately, I figured I'd participate this week to catch you up on life here at the Well-Read Redhead.

So here's me right now as I type this post:
Yup, looking super hot and unshowered but snuggling a very adorable sleepified baby.  That pretty much sums up life these days!  This morning my husband took Small Fry to the grocery store, so Tater Tot and I are chillin' while they're out.  Tater Tot seems to be going through a bit of a growth spurt, so I was up every 60-90 minutes last night feeding him.  I love you, little one, but it would be super cool if we could finish up this spurt and get some sleep soon!  Consider this a gentle request from yo' momma, kthx.

Beyond my current status as a 24/7 milk bar, life has been good as we adjust to being a family of four.  I had my first few half-days at home with Tater Tot and Small Fry this past week, as my husband's paternity leave is wrapping up.  They went surprisingly well, and we even did our first daddy-free outing to (where else?) the library.  Small Fry was very well-behaved and Tater Tot slept through the whole thing, so I think we're on the right track.  Granted it took an act of Congress to get us out of the house in less than 3 hours, but we're getting there.

So, what about book-related news?

I have been pleasantly surprised with how much reading I've gotten done lately.  It's important to have something to keep you awake during a 2am feeding (because dropping the baby is not recommended), and Kindle reading has been just the ticket.  I've got a new review for you tomorrow, and possibly one more before the year is up...we shall see!

Also, I received $150 in Amazon gift cards for Christmas.  OH EM GEE.  I am aware that Amazon sells things other than books, but I really don't care much about those things, so I've been spending the last few days staring at the Kindle e-books department in wonder.  $150 goes a very long way if you plan your pennies right.  So far I've gotten:

-5 books by Dennis Lehane: Moonlight Mile, Sacred, Live By Night, Darkness Take My Hand, and Prayers for Rain (his books were the Kindle Daily Deal the other day...$1.99 each!  YES PLEASE!)
-Tampa by Alissa Nutting
-The Bat by Jo Nesbo
-Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
-And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
-The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
-The Nasty Bits by Anthony Bourdain
-and I just bought NOS4A2 by Joe Hill and The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates...both are Kindle Daily Deals today...less than $4 each!!

All that and I still have $100 left.  OH MY.  What else should I buy, readers??

That's all for my Sunday Post this week...enjoy your last moments of 2013!!


  1. Tater Tot looks so comfy! Great haul of books. I got $35 in Amazon gift cards. Trying to decide what to get! Too many choices!

    1. It's so tough! I've been checking the daily deals each day and adding to my collection bit by bit.

  2. Whoa. $150? Sweeeet. I'm not sure what else you should buy because it already likes you've gotten a good start there.

    So was it 2 1/2 hours to get out of the house? ;) Good luck in the future in getting out sooner. :)

    1. Yeah, between clothing/feeding/toileting the toddler, plus clothing/feeding/cleaning myself, AND clothing/feeding/diapering the baby...2 hours at minimum. LOL

  3. Love seeing your picture of you and your little guy. I had to grin, he is wearing the same sleeper that my great grandson had on the day before we left Colorado to come home. Love that little snowman and snowspotted outfit. Yea for e readers, our granddaughter too got an ereader which I know will help as she is awake for those late night or early morning feedings. Enjoy your new books and your new family dynamic.

    1. Yes I found that sleeper in Walmart and had to have it! :) Bet your g-grandson looks adorable in it too!

  4. Yaaaay Tater Tot!!! Also I'm super excited for your Amazon cash. They've been having so many good deals!

    1. Yes and they keep coming! Room by Emma Donoghue is today's deal, which is pretty rad.

  5. Congrats on your Tater Tot, He is a cutie! Two is so much fun, crazy, but fun.
    $150 can go a very long way. Enjoy all your reads. I wish I had a kindle when my kids were little it would have made feeding much better than all the informercials I watched lol. I even got a magic bullet because of night time feedings.

    Have a great new year and Happy Reading

    Because reading is better than real life

    1. "crazy but fun" is a good way to describe it. :) Yes I am very happy for my Kindle this time around. I watched way too much Pawn Stars when Small Fry was little...

  6. Your little guy is sooo cute!

    Nice haul on the Amazon gift cards and your choices so far sound like great ones. I got a bunch of gift cards myself and am also trying to figure out how to put them to good use, but it's hard when one's wish list is a mile long LOL.

    1. Yes doesn't it make it harder when your Goodreads TBR has about 900 books on it??

  7. OMG! That is gift card heaven! I've been buying so many great, cheap ebooks lately. I snatched up NOS4A2 today along with The Accursed and also 20th Century Ghosts. And I'm so tickled to see The Nasty Bits on your bought list! It's one of very few Bourdain books I haven't read. I need to review Medium Raw soon. Such a good book. Cheers to buying more goodies!

    1. I am trying to find more foodie nonfic to buy, but none of it is going on sale! Hoping a good deal comes up soon. I hate paying full price.

  8. So jealous of your sudden windfall! If I had $150 to spend on books I'd be overwhelmed too! But on the plus side, it wouldn't be such an agonizing decision as what to do with the $25 B&N gift card I got.

    1. That is true!! $25 is tough, especially if you are buying paper books and have to factor in shipping...

  9. Cute baby! Especially sleeping! Congratulations on your growing family and growing bookshelves!


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