Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Well-Read Redhead's Best Books of 2013!

It's that time of year, y'all!  All those Best Books lists are being released, and I am never one to be left out of the fun and games.  So without further ado...

The Well-Read Redhead's Best Books of 2013!

As happened last year, I had an immensely difficult time compiling this list.  It took me ages to narrow it down to just 10 books that I've read in the last year.  But I managed, and here they are (in no particular order, and with links to my original reviews):

1. How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn
I went into this novel with hesitation, because I hadn't done a heavy classic in a while.  I was more than pleasantly surprised.  An amazing coming-of-age tale that is going to stick with me for a long, long time.

2. Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson
I am admittedly biased because I love food memoirs, and I love the Food Network stars...so this was a match made in heaven for me from the start.  Either way, it deserves a spot on this list, if only because Samuelsson's journey is so unique and inspiring.

3. The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult
As an avid Picoult fan, I had high expectations for this one, and was not disappointed in the least.  I've read a lot of Holocaust-based historical fiction...this is one of the better ones I can remember coming across.

4. White Dog Fell From The Sky by Eleanor Morse
Beautiful, picturesque, gorgeous, awesome-sauce writing is the #1 reason why this made it on the list.  The captivating story is a bonus.

5. Sea Creatures by Susanna Daniel
If there was a book that should be on everyone's list for great character development, this is it.  Beautiful prose, and makes me feel like one of my 2014 resolutions should be to read more of Daniel's stuff.

6. Everybody Has Everything by Katrina Onstad
This book tugged at my mommy heartstrings.  HARD.

7. Cooked by Michael Pollan
I continue to be wow'ed by the depth of Pollan's food-based research, combined with his entertaining commentary along the way.  He makes me feel smarter...and hungrier.

8. We Are Water by Wally Lamb
Another epic family drama from Lamb.  He has yet to disappoint me.

9. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
The unsettling tone of this novel is still creeping me out.  The ending was awesome.  I am not quite as in awe of this one as I was of Gone Girl, but ohsoclose.

10. Expecting Better by Emily Oster
This book should be required reading for every pregnant or soon-to-be-pregnant woman out there.  How I wish I had this to counterbalance all the crazy pregnancy books I read when I was knocked up with Small Fry!  At least Tater Tot is reaping the benefits now.

That's the list for this year, readers!  And now you've got 14 more days to buy them for your friends and family before Christmas.  You can thank me later.

What made YOUR best-read list for 2013?


  1. I love these lists :) I plan on checking on all these books, even though about 6 of them sound very familiar (I'm sure they're sitting on my TBR list, collecting dust). Thanks for the added push to go read!

    1. I love the lists too! Like you, I like to go through them and see if any of my long-standing TBR books are there...definitely helps me prioritize for the coming year. :)

  2. Love the list for introducing me to even more books! Lamb and Flynn's books are already on my reading list for next year as they are 2 authors I already read books by (and loved them).

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Yes, I think I've read almost all of Lamb's stuff now, but I have 1 more Flynn book to go. Really looking forward to it.

  3. Great list! I'm so impressed you managed to narrow it down to just ten. I'll probably do a fiction and a non-fiction list because I just can't handle it otherwise :-P

    1. It was SO HARD!! But I had to cut myself off. I wanted to make a "runners up" list but I needed to restrain myself. haha.

  4. Dude! I have not read a single one of your picks! Things that must be remedied, and quickly!

  5. Ohhhh We Are Water is on my shelf right now! But I haven't read any of these. Yeesh. All these "best books" posts are destroying me. LOL GREAT list!!

    1. Haha, I think they are destroying everyone!! Too much reading to do in 2014...as usual...

  6. I loved The Storyteller! But I prefered Dark Places over Sharp Objects, even though I still think Gone Girl was the absolute best of the three.

    1. I can't wait to read Dark Places, I keep hearing how awesome it is!

  7. Enjoyed your list very much. I have not read any of them, but We Are Water is on my bookclub's to read list. I have read others rave about Sea Creatures and Storyteller is on my personal tbr list. So thanks.

    1. We Are Water is definitely a great book club selection...SO much to discuss!

  8. You are on top of things with your best of list already! We Are Water was great. I can't wait to see what Lamb writes next. Although with his page count, it might be a while...

    1. I had to be on top of it...I had a feeling this baby was going to come early. Haha! Glad I didn't procrastinate!

  9. I’m so glad Sharp Objects is on this list. Books on the Nightstand was raving about it and I wanted to read it but, because I had to wait for the library, I read Dark Places instead (which I didn’t really like). BUT, I have Sharp Objects now and I’m doubly excited to read it now!

  10. White Dog! Omg, what a book!! Other than that I haven't read a single one of your faves. That is SHAMEFUL.

    1. Yes, I remember that you loved that one as well! I have to check out your lists too...

  11. I've linked to your list and taken the liberty of recommending a couple of books that you might want to consider for future reading, at my blog Semicolon:  http://www.semicolonblog.com/?p=21827
    Merry Christmas, and Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks Sherry! Merry Christmas to you as well!


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